The pioneering studies of Dr. Marcel Vogel and Irzhak Bentov, revealed that, in a state of deep relaxation or meditation, the electromagnetic.. field surrounding our head, literally attunes to the basic electromagnetic.. field of the earth itself! The earth’s harmonic resonance has been measured at approx 8 cycles per second, or 8 Hertz (Hz). The frequency range of the electrical activity of the brain that we access, in states of deep relaxation, is also centred around 8 Hz. Is this correspondence just a coincidence?
Perhaps that is why we feel so rejuvenated when surrounded by nature, in a forest, in the mountains, or by the ocean. Perhaps this is also a key to understanding how, our inner and outer environments, can be orchestrated to a higher level of harmony
Music is a universal language. Its gifts are the feelings, memories, enjoyment and tears it creates. Music creates emotion and emotion produces actual chemical reactions in the bloodstream - neuro peptides are released - which affect the organs and systems. Harmonic sound equals harmonic emotion equals harmonic body
The human body itself is intrinsically musical, right down to the DNA that makes up our genes. Even our DNA has it’s own melody. The idea that DNA and music might be connected comes from the work of a geneticist, Dr. Susumu Ohno. In order to understand Dr. Ohno's insights, we need to understand that every organism's genes are composed of strands of DNA, which in turn are made up of four so-called nucleotides. In an imaginative leap, Dr. Ohno assigned musical notes to these four substances The result was a melodic composition that was finally fleshed out with harmonies, by his wife, Midori, a musician. When completely transcribed, the scores were then performed by professional musicians on instruments such as the piano or organ, violin, and viola
Dr. Ohno, has so far, notated over fifteen "songs of the DNA" of a variety of living organisms. He finds that the more evolved an organism is, the more complicated its music. To listeners knowledgeable about classical music, these DNA-based compositions have been taken variously for the music of Bach, Brahms, Chopin, and other great composers. These melodies are majestic and inspiring. Many persons hearing them for the first time are moved to tears; they cannot believe that their bodies, which they believed to be mere collections of chemicals, contain such uplifting, inspiring harmonies -- that they are musical.:):)
Also interesting to note:
Ancient civilizations, such as that of Atlantis, believed that each soul held its own musical frequency, a sort of individual soundprint throughout every cell of the body. This was referred to as the 'wam', or the soul's music. In the crystalline caves of Atlantis, the healing priestesses would attune the wam simply by striking the appropriate crystal matrix and creating a resonant tone that would bring the individual back into harmony
☄ = Vega Claw Off Of The Street Fighter Video Game.
ツ ☻ ☺ ☹ = The Ups And Downs Of Your Smiles & Frowns.
£ = British Pound Sign. Don't Mix It With $ Or You'll Rip Yourself Off.
☪ = Flag of Xinjiang, Prohibited In Mainland China. The "Kokbayraq" Flag. This Flag Is Used By Uyghurs As A Symbol Of The East Turkestan Independence Movement. It Is Almost Identical To The Flag Of Turkey Except With A Blue Background. The Government Of The People's Republic Of China Prohibits Using The Flag In The Country.
☭ = Communist Hammer And Sickle Symbol For The Flag Of The Vietnamese Communist Party, Founded 1929. It Was Copied From The Flag Of The Chinese Communist Party Which Was In Turn Inspired By The Soviet Flag.
ℜ = R Is A Free Software Environment For Statistical Computing And Graphics. It Compiles And Runs On A Wide Variety Of UNIX Platforms, Windows, And Macintosh Operating Systems.
ϟ = A More Modern Symbol For The City Of Corinth, Which Had The Early Spelling Of Ϙόρινθος. Qoppa Is Also The Source Of The Latin Letter Q And The Archaic CyrillicKoppa (Ҁ) Numeral. So Earlier Ϙϙ Has Now Become A More Modern Ϟϟ. Looks A Bit Like The Chemical Symbol For Lead Also. - ♄
½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ℅ = Baking Measurements So That You'll Know Approximately How Much Of Which Ingredients To Add To My Cookies That You Will Make For Me So That They Will Taste Juuust Right My Friend. He He. ;]~ (And No Putting ♄ In Them Or You Will Die.) ;]
∵ ∴ ∷ = Greek Therefore Symbol In S & N Directions With 4 As An Extra.
卐 = Nazi Cross. aka-Swastika. Made Of An Iron Cross & 4 Backward Number 7s.
๑۩۩.( . V . ).۩۩๑ = Void Between Boobs..I Mean Time.
ღ = A Symbol For Mystery My Friend....................................................................................................................................................................Yes..Mystery.
๑۩۞۩๑ = Oh Crap..We're All Doomed. LoL.
ʊ = Upside Down Greek Omega Symbol.
¿ = Upside Down Question Mark.
№ = Another Sign For Number.
ℵ = First Transfinite Cardinal.
❝ ❞ = Quotation Marks.
❂ ❁ = Circles Of Life.
┲ ┱ = Hammers.
ิ = Solaria.
【】= A Mirror.
• = A Black Bullet.
✈ = Airplane or Airport.
℃ = Degrees In Celsius.
≈ = Equal To or Equality.
◠ ◡ ╭╮╰╯ = Various Loop Types.
◐ ◑ ◕ ◔= ½ And Partial Moons.
☑ ✓ ✔ = Different Check Mark Types.
➹ ➸ ⇨ ↔ ↕ ↑ ↓ → ← ↘ ↙ = Different Arrow Types.
‖︱ ︳︴﹏﹋﹌ = Hieroglyphics For Construction & Water.
A Combo Of Letters & Symbols To Form A Whole Alphabet:
Àà with grave Áá with acute Ââ with circumflex Ãã with tilde Ää with diaeresis Åå with ring above Ææ AE Çç with cedilla Èè with grave Éé with acute Êê with circumflex Ëë with diaeresis Ìì with grave Íí with acute Îî with circumflex Ïï with diaeresis Ðð ETH Ññ with tilde Òò with grave Óó with acute Ôô with circumflex Õõ with tilde Öö with diaeresis Øø with stroke Œœ ligature OE Šš with caron Ùù with grave Úú with acute Ûû with circumflex Üü with diaeresis Ýý with acute Ÿÿ with diaeresis Þß THORN
****PS: if you want to save this on your document· open "Notepad, but it will change the characters unless choose FILE and SAVE AS, then under the box ENCODING, change "ANSI" to "UTF-8". and your characters will not change when saved.
Dr. David Lewis Anderson has entered the public arena to widely disclose the existence of nothing less than time control and related technologies (including a time reactor that taps into the “free” energy created by the earth’s frame-dragging through space time). This may be the most powerful technological development humanity has so far constructed. He and other groups around the world have been perfecting these technologies for some years now. An international Time Race has been secretly underway. Public awareness of such technologies, as well as the governmental, military, and corporate interest in exploiting them, may be the most important issue we deal with as a species since the discovery of atomic power. Though this might sound like science fiction to most people, on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, Dr. Anderson has assured the public that it isn’t.
“There is such a great risk Art, of how this technology can be used. A lot of people ask me what if, how it will be used? The issue today is no longer what if and how. The technology is being used. It’s being used in Japan, in India, there are efforts in China…It’s really now a question of how do we manage the influence that governments have on this technology today that becomes a real concern and a challenge for people on this planet.”
Dr. Anderson has exposed human beings to retarded and accelerated rates of time. “People laugh because they can not believe that what they are seeing in front of their eyes truly can happen. Then there is a feeling of a deep emotion. The fact that when people realize that what they perceive is reality isn’t real, based upon their belief system and their own human mind…People can not experience life the same way.” Many have described profound spiritual experiences as a result of being exposed to a time warp field generator in action.
Anderson could not disclose the exact rate of acceleration/..retardation his team has achieved. This revelation is the ultimate game changer. However, what could be more motivating to encourage humanity onto the peace track? Everyone and everything is susceptible to the effects of time manipulation technology.
“We’re going to have knock down all the political barriers, all the religious barriers and look at this issue as one human race.”
Oddly enough, Terrence McKenna suggested in an interview with Bell on Coast to Coast, that his transcendental object at the end of time might be a time machine.
From: Slavic Mermaid *Surrendering to Spirit ॐ (6194051)
To: (218267874)
Date: 16/02/2010 19:11:17
Subject: How to Create New Brain Pathways
thank you ॐ नमः शिवाय (rävensärä) (115013010)
Improve Your Attitude:
How to Create New Brain Pathways
By Joan Breiner & Susyn Reeve
Understanding your thought patterns and how the brain works provides a frame of reference for creating a healthy attitude, improving your self-esteem and boosting your confidence.
Brain Pathways
The brain is made up of cells called neurons. These cells have nerve endings called synapses and dendrites. Nerve endings release chemical and electrical stimuli to communicate with each other. This communication forms neuro-pathways in the brain and is the basis for how the brain works.
When you initially learn something the brain pathway or connection is weak. The more frequently you think a particular thought the stronger the pathway becomes, forming an automatic and eventually unconscious habit of thinking. This is called brain training.
We'll use learning to ride a bicycle as an example of how brain pathways are formed. When you are first learning to ride a bicycle you must consciously pay attention to staying balanced, keeping your eyes on the road, holding onto the handlebars and steering in your desired direction. Then the more you practice, the stronger your bicycle riding pathways become.
Eventually you are able to get on your bicycle and ride without thinking. You're operating on automatic. A strong brain pathway, that coordinates all of the things you previously had to consciously focus your attention on, has been created. It is as though new brain software -- bicycle riding software -- has been uploaded and is seamlessly operating in your mind.
How Your Attitudes and Self-Esteem is Formed
Your brain works the same way in forming your attitude and what you think about yourself. As a child your attitudes and thoughts about yourself are formed from the messages you've heard and believed from important and influential people in your life -- you parents, siblings, teachers, friends, etc...
For example, if you were continually made fun of by classmates and not invited to play with them when you were a child, you have probably developed a negative attitude and low self-esteem thought pattern regarding friends and social situations. As a result, as an adult, obsessive thinking, reflecting these thought patterns and brain pathways, may automatically surface in social gatherings where you experience anxiety, fear and nervousness based on thoughts like:
• People don't like me. • I was only invited because they had to. • Nobody's going to talk to me. • I don't know what to say.
These beliefs, charged with emotional energy and acted on with conviction are what we call your dominant thought pattern or dominant attitude. They operate on automatic, like a habit, and are the thoughts that trigger, consciously and unconsciously your feelings and reactions to the circumstances of your life.
Good News: Thought Patterns Can Be Changed!
When you become aware of your attitude and beliefs -- what you are thinking and feeling, you can choose and practice creating new brain pathways by consciously choosing and developing new thoughts and behaviors. With practice, your new thoughts will become your dominate thoughts replacing old patterns of thinking and attitudes.
Creating New Brain Pathways -- How to Do It
Step 1: Awareness - All change begins with awareness. Awareness describes a state of consciousness in which you are alert and awake.
Awareness allows you to:
• Notice your thoughts, feelings, word and actions. • Identify your attitude and beliefs. • Determine if your dominant brain pathways support your dreams and goals.
Practice: Focus your attention on the present moment: • What do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Feel? • What thoughts are you thinking? • Remember you can always become aware of which brain pathway is operating by actively listening to your self-talk.
Step 2: Choice - Choice is the act of making a decision: consciously choosing the thoughts and feelings that support a healthy attitude and your goals and dreams. Awareness partnered with choice allows you to:
• Accept responsibility for your thoughts. • Be empowered to make conscious choices that support your desired result. • Understand and use the creative power always available in the present moment to support your dreams and goals.
Practice: Make the choice to become aware your thoughts: • Choose and attitude or goal you desire. • Make a list of the thoughts, feelings, words and actions that nourish your attitude or goal. • Read your list at least twice a day -- when you wake in the morning and before you go to sleep at night.
Step 3: Change - Change is where the rubber meets the road, where you put into practice the choices you have made, transforming your thoughts and feelings regarding your attitude and goals.
This does not mean there won't be times when you are confronted with your fears of failure or success, or that you won't, on occasion, question your ability to succeed. What it does mean is that as soon as you notice sabotaging brain pathways running your life you will:
• Be awake to your feelings. • Identify your thoughts. • Shift your attention to thoughts, feelings, words and action that directly support your dreams.
Practice: Have and new thought and change your thinking whenever you notice you are sabotaging your desired result: • Use your list, you made in Step 2 Choice, whenever you notice that sabotaging brain pathways are operating. • Acknowledge yourself for noticing your brain pathways and re-focusing your attention on what you desire.
About the Authors:
Joan Breiner & Susyn Reeve, the Official Guides to Attitude, have transformed their lives by using the tools and techniques presented on their website. They know that maintaining a positive attitude starts with making a conscious choice and then using the information, exercises, worksheets and Daily Inspirations, on their site, to support you in developing and maintaining a positive attitude no matter what is going on in your life.
source: Artist: Karen Norberg, Location: Boston Museum of Science